In no other service oriented trade will you find a more glaring example of “you get what you pay for” than in house painting. Our economy has been so price-driven for so long that too many people make choices based on price over all other considerations. Price is certainly an important factor, but when you shop low-end that is exactly what you will get: low quality workmanship, low quality materials, and ultimately a paint job that will not last as long as it should. The long term result of an inadequate paint job is exorbitant and premature maintenance and perhaps costly repairs that could have been avoided by doing the job correctly the first time. Whether you plan to live in your home for 5 years or the rest of your life, getting the best possible paint job that you can afford today will ensure lasting beauty and require less maintenance over time, saving you money. My goal is never to be the lowest bidder, but sometimes I am. I want to give you the best painting job possible for a fair and reasonable price. |